Custom web publishing (CWP) is a technology for interacting via a standard web page with your FileMaker database. The FileMaker PHP API is the primary technology for publishing FileMaker data to web sites, but will require some understanding of html and php. However performance is very good and it does not put much load on our servers so will keep your hosting costs down.
To build a site you will need to develop your database and then host it on one of our servers. You will then need to write the php and install it on a web server and configure it to point to your database.
Link to FileMaker's PHP documentation.
There arev many resources to help building FileMaker driven php sites and we have listed a few of opur favourites below. If you know of any other resources you would recommend, do let us know.
Unless you are experienced a web coding and PHP you may want to employ a specialist to connect your website to FileMaker data on our servers.